2023 Schedule

Upcoming Workshops:

August 10th 2023

Strategies for In Vivo Profiling of Protein Degraders: Insights & Approaches.

We have not opened registration yet, however, if you would like to join this workshop please get in touch.

September 2023

E3 Ligase Selection Review: A TPD Journal Club Discussion.

We have not opened registration yet, however, if you would like to join this workshop please get in touch.

November 9th 2023

Best Practices for Enhancing Selectivity in TPD Drug Optimization.

We have not opened registration yet, however, if you would like to join this workshop please get in touch.

February 15th 2024

Defining Key Parameters for Meaningful Protein Degradation: A Comprehensive Analysis.

We have not opened registration yet, however, if you would like to join this workshop please get in touch.

Past Workshops:

May 11th 2023

Exploring the Clinical Insights: Unveiling the Lessons Learned from TPD Degraders

View our workshop summary here.

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